2015, DOVE with the municipality of Milan
A theatrical show created in 2015 by Dove under the patronage of the Municipality of Milan, staged in Piazza Del Liberty and broadcast in the early evening by La7d.
A show to clear the taboo that still surrounds the armpits, a part of the body of each of us and which also does not seem to have full citizenship.
A show that ironically resumes The vagina monologues but promotes a more serious theme than ever: the right of every woman to self-realization and to emancipation from stereotyped can ons of beauty.
Because authentic beauty also passes through the acceptance of one’s own body in its entirety.
Because authentic beauty passes through a process of autonomy that allows each woman to best express her potential.
Because authentic beauty passes through a monologue with yourself, and then opens up to dialogue with others, discovering, in a less artificial and stereotyped world, an authentic listening side.
Claudia Gerini and Sabrina Impacciatore accompanied the public through a journey into the female universe.
A mild evening, that however aimed to support an important project: the opening of the Battello, a temporary housing reception service for women over 40 victims of domestic violence.